The Story of how I bring the best gems in the world from "mine" to you
The famous Elahera mines birth the worlds most fantastic sapphires.
Decades of traveling to the world's finest gem mines and their nearest trading centers. Building relationships and always searching for rare and beautiful treasures to bring home.
These wonders of nature are often in the most remote of places. For generations, those closest to the mines have always appreciated their beauty and respected these natural wonders. Even in their rough crystal forms.
Here we see the rough gem masterfully shaped into a work of art. This 21 carat Padparadscha sapphire from Sri Lanka is the pinnacle of gems for the connoisseur.
In this ring the polished gem finds her home. In this "Lotus Flower" design a 6 carat gemstone literally becomes her name, Padaparadscha, the Senegalese word for Lotus Flower.